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How to make a simple Black and White Nest Camera:
- Standard nestbox with hinged roof.
- Infra red colour camera - e.g.from eBay seller kk-tech or Henry's CCTV. Power supply (order with camera if possible).
- Self algamating tape TV/Satellite shop, ebay, Maplin (KW29G).
- Extension Cable: Maplin - Swann AV cable accessory pack - 36meters (L40BQ). (the extension cable in the photos is home made).
Even thought the camera is a colour one, the low light levels in the nest box will cause the Infra red LEDS (lights) to come on giving a black and white picture. On some cameras the infra red lights are permanently on. If you really want colour then here are some details of how to do that with but it's a more complex job.
- Photos are here.
- Make a notch in the top of one of the side walls to make room for the cable.
- You will need to extend the video/audio/power cable using the extension cable.
- Mount the camera as hight as possible on the back wall but ensure the roof closes properly.
- You will need to focus the camera to a point approx 5cm up from the floor. Place an object, that is 5cm tall and with fine lines or dots on it's top, on the floor. Twist the lens until the lines/dots are the clearest. The camera will normally come focussed for distant objects. To adjust closer, if you are looking at the lens, turn it anti-clockwise to focus on nearer objects.
- Wrap the connections with self algamating tape to keep out water. The photos show nylon tie wraps stapled to the box to guide the cables down.
- The other end of the extension cable is plugged into the powersupply and also the Yellow (video) and Red or white (audio) go into a TV. You might need a BNC to SCART adapter to plug into the TV.
To record the nest box video just connect the A/V (audio/vidoe) connector into the back of a VHS recorder or better a DVD recorder. Better again use a DVD recorder with built in hard disk - then you can save just the interesting bits and record those to DVD later.
17 Mar 2008